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Daily Drip for 08-15-2012

By August 15, 2012August 17th, 20122012, Photos

Great day at swim! They went in the deep end today to do their jumps! They jump in, come up for air, float on their back and swim back mostly independently. (all at once).
Fun day at the beach! These boys don’t like to get dirty. We were working on getting messy without complaining, it was a little hard for them (mostly Quinn). I carried them through the seaweed. I shouldn’t have pointed it out, lol. Rain-boots next time. 🙂

(While driving to swim class)

Quinn, “April look at me. Turn around and look at me. Can you go around that car?” April asks, “Why? Am I not going fast enough? (he wanted to get to swim class faster, lol)








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